If p, then q
Therefore, q
Modus tollens, on the other hand, are the negative of modus ponens, so they state:
If p, then q
not q
Therefore, not p
Here is an example of how they differ:
Modus Ponen:
If Emily is a buttface, then I will stick my tongue out at her.
Emily is a buttface.
Therefore I will stick my tongue out at her.
Modus Tollen
If Emily is a buttface, then I will stick my tongue out at her.
I will not stick out my tongue at her
Therefore, she is not a buttface.
In a modus ponen, the q term is being concluded, but in a modus tollen, the the p term is being concluded. While they both start with a statement including both the p and q terms, their deductive logic and hence their conclusions take different paths.
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